Fine insect art

A few years ago I was looking to expand my butterflies collections. I used to visit a lot of oddity shops around northern California, in search of new interesting specimens but I found out that the quality of the insect and aesthetics of the framing was not always up to my standard.
After some online research, I realized that you can only find very scientific pieces by amazing entomologists, at a high price and spartan framing or low-quality specimens framed in beautiful frames.

Out of frustration, I decided to start making them myself, combining my love of nature and my formal art training (BA in Fine Arts). Initially, I was just doing it for myself but eventually, a lot of friends and coworkers were so impressed that they want some pieces.
That was my “aha” moment and that day Micro Giants was born, to spread my art as far it can get.

I source only the highest grade butterflies, raised by sustainable farms in Arizona and Florida.
I personally spread every specimen and combine them with a bespoke framing, handmaking every mat boards to fit the size of the insect and frame, making sure the butterfly pop out in all its beauty.butterflies
I’m very attentive to details and every item needs to pass my high standards before being put on sale, as I do in my jewelry design work, down to the millimeter.
The result is not just a perfectly preserved symmetrical butterfly but also a piece of natural art that will make a statement in your home.

I live and work in the San Francisco Bay area, with my Husband and Yellow Labrador Retriever named “Waffle”.